To Our Valued Customers, Clients, and Suppliers
As with all of you, we at Hydco are closely monitoring the situation with the COVID-19 Virus and taking what steps we can to prevent its further spread. It is important for you to know that the health and safety of our Employees and Customers alike is our top priority.
During this difficult time, we are taking major steps to keep all that enter our jobsites and offices safe. As a subcontractor or vendor for Hydco projects, we are expecting proactive participation in COVID-19 prevention as recommended by the CDC.
Construction jobsites are not densely populated work areas. Regardless, the following social distancing measures are recommended:
Workers to observe a minimum distance of six (6) feet between individuals to increase physical space between workers at the worksite. This includes pre-work and post-work events of all kinds.
Gloves and safety goggles or glasses will be mandatory and enforced on all jobsites. These are always to be worn.
No more than one person in a Hydco owned vehicle at one time.
Non-employee transportation in company vehicles is suspended until further notice.
For safety purposes, all door handles, equipment, and surfaces touched by multiple persons shall be frequently sprayed and disinfected throughout the workday.
Anyone showing signs of sickness on the job site will be immediately asked to leave and provide the location of all areas that they worked or visited and surfaces, equipment, and materials that they handled so these areas and surfaces can immediately be disinfected.
All employees are being urged to keep away from groups during breaks and lunches and instructed to utilize social distancing with other workers on the job site.
We are planning to conduct our meetings with clients and design consultants by phone, email, or teleconferencing in order to limit personal contact.
Careful attention to job site toilet and hand cleaning facilities.
All employers must ensure that these facilities are in clean, working order and stocked with soap and/or hand sanitizer.
Jobsite and equipment cleanliness. Jobsites must be kept clean, with frequent cleaning of any frequently touched surfaces on the site.
Any tools or equipment that might be shared by workers must be cleaned before and after use.
At this Time, Hydco has not had any significant disruptions in our service or delivery and we hope that our actions allow it to remain this way.
Roger Marlin
Hydco, Inc.